Click on thumbnails below for larger pics....



Who is Alfa Romeo? This history on the Alfa Romeo website and Wikipedia article provide a little bit of insight....Enzo Ferrari started his racing career with Alfa Romeo. The history of the Alfa Romeo crest/badge can be found HERE

This 2017 Alfa Romeo 4C was purchased from Shawn Stuart at Airport CDJ in Orlando, he provided pictures and videos quickly on request and answered all of my questions- VERY responsive. First pics below are from the dealership ad along with the videos Shawn sent me, and a few pics from the night we picked it up.

I had been looking at the 4C since it came to the US but couldn't find the car or deal I wanted, they seemed to be mutually exclusive. And then Alfa announced the 4C Coupe would be discontinued for the NA market in February 2018 and corporate cars with little to no miles started to show up at greatly discounted prices. The first car I found was in NC, white with camel interior like my departed Viper, almost as well optioned as this car but the dealer became non-responsive to on to the next car. This was the second car I found, I called the dealer as soon as I received the listing notification from CarGurus and beat some other people to the deal. This car had most of the available options, and one of the key things I was looking for which was the Akrapovic Titanium Exhaust.
Window Sticker HERE, Build Sheet HERE, AutoCheck Report HERE. As it turns out, my car is a 1 of 1 for the NA/US market- BIG Thanks to John4C for the final numbers

This car is powered by an Alfa Romeo 1750 TBi engine (a version built by Autotecnica Motori is used in the F3 car) and an FCA shared 6-speed DCT.

ALFA (Anonima Lombarda Fabbrica Automobili, English: Lombard Automobile Factory, Public Company)

I would recommend that anyone buying one of these cars that has the oil changed as part of the pre-sales process check the oil type, I didn't know the oil had been changed but found the sticker on the windshield later as we were driving home.....5W20 ???? But I'm not sure they actually changed the oil, the original filter was on tight and the drain bolt had never been removed.....And all tires inflated to the front spec....

So much for trusting dealer service departments and their knowledge. The first thing I did the following day after returning home was source Pennzoil Platinum Euro 5w40 (Technical Data Sheet HERE, forum thread on required oil HERE) from Advance Auto Parts, one of the few oils available locally that meets the required MS-12991 specification from FCA/Alfa Romeo, and a Mobil1 oil filter (P/N M1-110A) since it was also readily available at Advance Auto and comes with a warranty to back up whatever manufacturer warranty you have left on your car. I had already ordered the OE Mopar filter (Mopar P/N 68237532AA, Mann P/N W6014) in bulk from Rock Auto but not in time for this change (forum thread on oil filters HERE and HERE). Mopar Filter Guide HERE. This Mopar filter (aka Mann W6014) has a higher bypass pressure (2.5 bar or ~36 psi) than most of the readily available McParts filters so at the next change I will have and go back to OEM. As an example, the Mobil1 M110 oil filter has a bypass pressure of 13 psi per BITOG forum info- good video HERE from Book Autowerks comparing oil filters.

To get the car in the air I used the Sector111 guide (archived HERE in pdf format).......and then reviewed the Alfa Workshop Oil Filter Change DIY Guide HERE and the forum guide HERE. Checking the oil level seems straight forward but there is some discussion on the forum whether 5 or 6 qts is the correct fill based on the dipstick HERE. Resetting the oil service reminder is detailed in an Alfa Romeo video HERE and EuroCompulsion has a PDF document HERE.....despite the aforementioned resources for resetting the "Change Oil" message that came on around 8400 miles and trying the pedal dance 1 or 100 times, nothing worked until I tried Philster's method (HERE, archived HERE) - SUCCESS .

Best way to check the oil is this Alfa Workshop method: car cold, crank and run for a few minutes, check dipstick- this is the only way I was able to see it on the top line (not over, not under) after adding 6 qts. The oil level is different on each side of the dipstick, most likely due to the entry into the oil pan at an angle.....go with the lowest side when checking, after a change and 6 quart fill it is dead on.

But really, as long as you find a way to capture all the oil that leaks out when removing the filter (on TIGHT from the factory with what felt like no oil on filter seal prior to installation so that will SLOW you down the first time while all the oil drains down onto you and the garage floor), you might be OK following this guide using a TopSider and accessing the oil filter from the driver side wheel well: Alfa 4C Oil Change Without Removing Diffuser.

I was not sure that the car would come with the oil fill cap removal tool so I ordered one, the dealer found it so now I have a spare. Tough part to track down online, but MoparOnlineParts had it, P/N 68320860AA. Makes for an easier time removing the oil fill cap without scratching it AND without having to remove the engine cover to access the cap.

[EDIT] There was another oil that had the FCA MS12991 spec on the label, Valvoline Advanced Full Synthetic MST 5w40 (aka Synpower) available cheapest from NAPA online when single quarts are on sale or from Walmart in the 5 quart container. Be sure to check the packaging, this oil listed the correct spec for a while but now the current packaging no longer has the spec listed, guess they changed the formulation and did not want to pay for certification or? From the oil that DID list the spec, specification sheet HERE.
Outside of warranty I will switch to Amsoil 5W-40 Synthetic European Motor Oil, Amsoil warranty HERE.

So, I decided to do the next oil change at 5k miles- I'll send a sample out to Blackstone and see how it looks before completely trusting the Alfa oil change intervals.
I also decided this would be a good time to install a stahlbus Oil Drain Valve M18x1.5x12mm from Amazon - Installation and Operating Instructions. I have used a similar product from NoSpillSystems (FEMCO) before with good results, P/Ns 10-18150-06 and 1002 would be a bit more expensive for this application and might not have worked as well given the tight access to the drain bolt area on the oil pan.
Forum thread HERE, Alfa_Tech video HERE.


Xpel Ultimate Plus Paint Protection Film (VIDEO) on the front bumper/hood/fenders/roof/rockers/mirrors/door handles and
Xpel Prime XR Plus Ceramic Window Tint (VIDEO) installed at Sun&Shield Automotive Films.


Gentex Series 8 Frameless Auto-Dimming Mirror with Homelink P/N 50-GENK80A (installation and user manual HERE) purchased and installed along with my faithful Valentine 1 radar detector (manual HERE).
[EDIT] NEW V1 Gen2 replaced prior V1 (Owners Manual, Quick Start Guide, Programming Guide, Troubleshooting, How To Upgrade)

The mirror is a little wider but sits closer to the headliner so visibility is about the same. Some opt to remove the existing mirror mount and install a new one, but I found the existing mirror mount worked somewhat- not perfect but I really did not want to risk damaging the $3500 windshield I later discovered that although it appeared to be secure it really was not making great contact anywhere but at the lower end of the mount and the mirror did not slide far enough on to the OE mount to really did vibrate a little after some time in the heat/sun so I ordered Dorman 76864 Rear View Mirror Bracket Assortment, 3 Piece and Versachem 11109 Rear View Mirror Adhesive from Amazon. OE mount removed and new mount installed without issue- lots of YouTube videos out there but this one is a good one - I used this technique coupled with vice grip pliers on the mount (not touching the glass), proceed at your own risk as there are many horror stories out there.

Pics below illustrate the process to access the passenger footwell fusebox and wire the 12v +power and -ground. All wiring came from the manufacturer with each product and included fuses. I did have to source an Add-a-circuit Fuse TAP Adapter Mini ATM APM Blade Fuse Holder to tap into an empty accessory socket in the fuse box, this also required trimming the ridge around the fuses so that the tap would fully seat in the fuse socket. For a ground I just loosened one of the Torx bolts holding the fuse box to the mounting frame, inserted both ground terminals, and retightened. The a-pillar trim can be removed by pulling at the top and then straight out. The foot well panel can be carefully pulled out after removing 3 screws (Look like Phillips head but are actually Pozi) at the base under the floor mat, one screw at the upper right, and another screw on the upper left under a plastic cover (this requires removing a plastic push pin rivet on top and two Torx bolts on driver/passenger side and pulling up/sliding the cover towards the firewall to remove)- hopefully you don't need to replace a fuse in some remote location because this is not a quick process. Wiring can be tucked under headliner and run over and down the a-pillar to the fusebox.

This forum thread was a big help


Lloyd Luxe Floor Mats from Auto Anything purchased so that the factory 4C floor mats could be saved for posterity.



After a few weeks I see myself owning this car for a while (famous last words but only the second vehicle I have purchased an extended warranty for). Mopar/Alfa Romeo offers a Maxcare warranty option up to 8 years/125k miles from the in-service date. I purchased the Mopar warranty on our Jeep from Clay Robbins at Robbins Motors and he beat everyone else. If you need a Mopar warranty inquire with Clay Robbins via email, he is the owner at Robbins Motors (formerly GM/VP at Zeller Motors) and was very responsive to emails and quick to process our application and deliver the warranty.
MaxCare warranty FAQs HERE.


POWERFLEX Lower Engine Mount Bushing Insert (P/N PF1-1020) ordered from EuroCompulsion....installation instructions HERE and HERE- note the factory manual shows torque plus angle for what I guess are NEW stretch bolts, EC has "NOTES: Torque Specs for Both Lower Engine Mount Bolts are 80NM/60FTLBS" on their store page for what I guess are the existing bolts, torque with no additional angle. I chose the Yellow Street Durometer (75A), nothing super hardcore like replacing ALL of the mounts in the Lotus with solid poly.....felt great but made ALL rattle, including the passengers- YMMV I'm just trying to limit 'some' of the engine slop.
Forum thread HERE. Video that shows OE engine mount removal HERE.
I just removed the bottom panel (no need to remove the diffuser) and then the smaller panel covering the mount- T30 for all bolts. There is a heat shield on the mount, slide clip off and remove. I was able to get a breaker bar on the 15/16 bolt to break loose, then used 13/16 and 15/16 Gearwrenches to remove the bolt/nut- you can pull the mount down and push the exhaust up to get the bolt out. An E18 (External Torx) is used to loosen/remove the other bolt. Mount removed and rubber cleaned up where mold lines are at, at large end insert small black bushing into bolt hole and yellow bushing into mount voids. Reinstall mount (don't forget the metal washer/spacer on top) and torque to spec- I was able to line the motor/trans up with the mount to insert the bolt by hand, reinstall heat shield, reinstall panels- DONE. I did have the thread wear in the large end where the mount moves against the bolt, the small black bushing should fix that.
Went for a ride in the N. GA mountains and did not notice any additional NVH but shifts were more positive and throttle response seemed a bit better without the play this mount insert eliminated- cheap mod, should be at the top of the list.


Some pics from 2018 August mountain drives in North GA/SC/NC/TN.


Alfa Romeo did not give us an AGM battery so I decided to try the Odyssey battery I had from my last car see if it would work. An Odyssey PC1200MJT from Amazon (Battery Mart) installed using a hold down strap from Poly Performance (SKU WCB-HDAS-METAL - West Coast Battery P/N HDS-1200/1700) as recommended by Odyssey for this application....I also elected to add a piece of foam weatherstrip to the inside top of the mount. This was NOT plug and play but involved some additional modifications to the hold down strap. I had already modified the hold down strap for the last car (detailed HERE) but had to grind a little more to get it to fit the Alfa tray. I also fabricated an aluminum clamp (which I may paint black later) to hold down the rubber cover since I had to eliminate the OE retention strap (rolled up and tucked between battery and mount). Saves a little weight but that was not the main reason for upgrading- I don't have to worry as much with an AGM battery.

Specifications HERE, Owner's Manual HERE, Technical Manual HERE, Ultimizer Charger Manual HERE, Warranty Information HERE.

Videos that show how these batteries are made HERE and HERE.


OE vs PC1200:


[EDIT] After 6 years, the PC1200 was losing a little bit between drives so I bought a new Odyssey ODP-AGM47 H5 L2 (Group 47 which is same size as OE) from FCP Euro with their Lifetime Replacement Guarantee. The 4C does not get driven much and the PC1200 had been brought back to life a few dozen times with the Odyssey Ultimizer.
Specifications HERE, Quick Reference for all Odyssey Batteries HERE.


EuroCompulsion V1 Intake that works with the OE airbox ordered. Did not purchase as a kit but sourced the EC silicone/Kevtek hose/clamps from a forum user (they didn't have the filter) and then ordered the Sprint air filter from EuroCompulsion, all new at a ~30% savings versus just ordering the kit.
Analysis HERE shows why Sprint filters are better than the rest (PDF version HERE).
[NOTE] If you decide to go to the V2 Intake after the V1, EuroCompulsion offers an upgrade HERE. I never installed the V1 but did order this upgrade so with your V1 hose and clamps and the upgrade filter and clamps you have a EuroCompulsion V2 Intake.
V1 Installation instructions HERE, V2 Installation instructions HERE, Tech document HERE, forum V1 discussion HERE, forum V2 discussion HERE.

Air filter cleaning instructions HERE, air filter cleaning kit HERE.

Personally, I don't find the V2 that loud and even my wife was used to it after one drive......but this is very subjective. I do wish that EC had included some type of bracket for the current filter like the one they had on the original V2 Sprint filter. The filter can be tucked towards the front to avoid contact with some sharp edges but it CAN flop around a bit- some have used zip ties to keep it in place. I may have to engineer some type of bracket that utilizes the old mounting points for the OE filter box. Also some forum users have complained about the "Phillips" screw that attaches the intake funnel to the airbox, how it is tight and feels stripped.....well, that's because it is not a Phillips screw but a Pozidriv screw- but I didn't know about these either until Lotus ownership. This article explains the difference.

This thread details a forum user's experience with an alternate/replacement air filter. 4C Forum's moehler found, as myself and many others did, that the provided EC air filter poses some challenges trying to wrangle on to the MAF sensor and found a replacement filter from Green Filter, P/N 2303. I found that P/N 2895 is the same filter but white without the green color at reduced cost, so I bought one to try. The cleaning/oil kits were color specific, although that might not be the case now with supply chain challenges, so be sure to order the correct one if available. The cleaning kit with clear oil specific to my filter is P/N 2800, I'll probably just get the readily available Green Filter P/N 2000 Green High Performance Air Filter Recharge Oil and Cleaner Kit since the filter will not be visible. Cleaning Instructions HERE, archived HERE.
[EDIT] I have had Green Filters on order through Vivid Racing since March 2021, no ETA in sight, collected my $$$ in March and several missed target ship dates later no delivery or follow ups......even after I made phone calls and sent emails requesting updates from both companies- STILL WAITING. Vivid Racing started responding again to my periodic requests for updates but was unable to get in touch with their Green Filter rep for updates.
FINALLY in November 2021 after submitting a BBB complaint and communicating via FB, I have a ship date this week.....why make this so hard for customers? All we require is some communication.


Time to upgrade the intercooler hoses with this, EuroCompulsion Complete Intercooler Hose Kit. Why upgrade the intercooler hoses? Your answer is HERE. Docron's write-up on the upper intercooler hose he installed HERE. Lower intercooler hose intro from EC with another Docron writeup starting post 23 HERE.
Alfa9 Supply also carries a hose kit.
All clamps were able to be removed with the screwdriver prying method except the middle hose/front clamp- that one required a Dremel and cutoff wheel. I tried for an hour to use a screwdriver/wire snips and no go, 2 minutes with a Dremel and off...but be careful, you don't want to cut anything but the clamp, I was able to cut just through the clamp most of the way and break the clamp off with a screwdriver, no hose damage.
I also discovered that some of the OE hoses are notched so they only go on one way during assembly. Several ways to approach this (or not at all) but for my OCD the only options were to Dremel the plastic tab off or cut a notch in the new hoses so that they would go all the way to the stop. I elected to snip notches in the new hoses so that my path back to stock was open.
Hint: Sex lube IS the stuff to get these new hoses to slide right into place, I laughed when I read the forum advice but it is true....a little goes a long way.


After reading THIS THREAD (EC comment HERE), I decided to proactively order the Gale Motor Sports Turbo to Intercooler Pipe- Installation Instructions HERE (install pics below).
I installed this when I installed the new lower IC hose above, I don't really notice any additional noise and the OE turbo to IC pipe (turbo muffler) was not broken (yet) at ~8k mostly street miles.





4C Lift Kit from InoKinetic (aka Sector111) installed. The addition of these parts reinforces the rear diffuser/undertray so that the car can be lifted from the center.
Installation/Use instructions HERE, Forum threads HERE and HERE.
I use a hockey puck with my floor jack to somewhat cushion the diffuser.


I really missed Android Auto and a backup camera so Alpine to the rescue:
Alpine Halo9 iLX-F309 Audio/Video Receiver (Owners Manual and Installation Manual).
I had originally ordered the Alpine rear camera but decided to stay with something close to OE. I discovered on this thread that the Fiat Grande Punto camera works on our car, it replaces the tag light on one side and I ordered one of many from Amazon, ASIN B078X6TYZ2.
Many good threads on rear cameras and installation on the 4C forum:

Installation- Wiring, easy since I had the OE Alpine radio, I just had to move two wires that were missing in the OE plug from the new plug. Small pick used to release/remove wire pins and then inserted in correct position in the plug already in the car. Other than this and the camera wiring I will need to do at a future date, plug and play. I knew I would need to fabricate a way to support the radio since it is REALLY designed to bolt to the chassis mounts used in other cars. I just kept the existing sleeve for the OE radio in place and moved the rear locating PIN to a custom bracket that slides into place on the new radio. Only caveat with my custom bracket is that it required installation from behind/below after the radio was partially inserted into the sleeve, this required some yoga/contortions in the passenger side footwell. After installation it was SOLID. One trick to note is that the display should be mounted before pushing the radio all the way back, no way to assemble completely before the chassis is inserted and no great way to assemble with it inserted all the way. The chassis allows for a closer screen mounting position to the dash but this will not work, just leave it as it comes. I also purchased a MicroBypass Parking Brake Override Bypass for Alpine (instructions HERE) so that I could access functions without tapping into the parking brake wiring and having to use the parking brake, this gets you most of the way there but I opted not to install the GPS antenna (my phone acts as the GPS antenna when using Android Auto and this Alpine does not have NAV) and I found you cannot set the clock without the GPS signal (WTH Alpine?)- no worries since we have a clock on our display. After installing this head unit I was pleased but left scratching my head as to why some things were engineered the way they were. The display is large and close to the right stalk and key but I don't mind making small compromises as long as everything still works. The OE speakers sound significantly better with the new head unit and Android Auto works as well as it did in the GT350 with factory hardware. Rear Camera on the way.......

[UPDATE] I saw how an installer had installed this head unit in another forum member's car and decided to try adjusting the display depth/height/angle to replicate that. Depth is all the way in, as it comes from the factory, height is adjusted one hole up from the bottom, and the angle adjustment screws are just left out- it seems tight enough without them...and with them the angles won't work as it makes contact with the top or bottom of the dash, the issue I had when installing the first time....I like it better, we'll see how it works out. If it doesn't I'll just slot the angle adjustment holes...


Fall (October 2018) - Quick run up to Dahlonega for brunch and to drive the 60>180>129 loop with a friend, landmark rock pile roped off due to construction....... Story of the rock pile and Trahlyta can be found HERE, HERE, and HERE.


(November 2018) - Quick run up to Joe's BBQ in McCaysville for lunch and to drive the 60>180>129 loop. Joe's is now closed for business


Aluminum AC Knob covers from AutoPlus Japan purchased as part of a forum group buy (THANKS Evoralution for organizing ), forum thread HERE.


Time for an extra set of wheels. I went to look at a set of OZ wheels another 4C owner was selling and saw his new TITAN 7 T-S5 wheels (weights HERE) over. I reached out to Matt at Alfa9 Supply and he promptly responded with several different options and quotes, I decided to go with machine black (Front P/N Original-TS501880034509858MB, New/Current TS501880030598058MB, Rear P/N TS501990025509858MB). As an update, the original front offset was +34, at some point Titan7 updated this to +30 and no longer makes the +34- note the new part number. Very informative review from buildjournal HERE. I also decided to upgrade the lug bolts to Titanium, also from Alfa9. Of course I am keeping the OE wheels so I needed new TPMS sensors, ITM Set of (4) 433mhz TPMS Tire Pressure Sensors 2015-2019 Alfa Romeo 4C Replacement sourced from Amazon- after mounting wheels they showed up immediately, no programming required as stated by the seller.
Videos: Titan 7 - Factory Tour , Titan 7 - Alfa Romeo 4C Trailer , Titan 7 - T-S5 , Peter Luu-The Real Wheel Deal Review
Forum threads: Alfa9 , bunta_garage , milo , prophizee , SoCal4C

For tires, I decided on Firestone Firehawk Indy 500 (TireRack test HERE, videos HERE and HERE) in 225/40/18 and 255/35/19 (TireSize Calculator HERE).

Pictures below are of a dirty car but hopefully show how good these wheels look.


Attended a Tail of the Dragon/Cherohala Skyway run with the local Alfa group, and stopped by Bell Mountain on the way.

The first time we went to Bell Mountain was in my Jeep back in 2013, before it was paved you HAD to have a 4x4 to drive to the top: some video HERE starting at about 11:30 and HERE.


Fiamm air horns (P/N 66020 2 Projector Riviera) installed to replace weak OE horn, sourced from Amazon.
Installation Instructions, Installation Video, Data Sheet, and Fiamm Sound File (mp3)

To avoid hacking/cutting the factory wiring harness I sourced Metra 72-5600 speaker harnesses from Amazon that happen to also work with our horn plug- you only need one but since they only come in a set you'll have spares or some to share. You may need different spade connectors for the horn and I actually had to sand down the end of the plug a bit so it would click into place, YMMV. Thanks to forum member Knievel for the info.

To start you'll need to get the car in the air, at least the driver side front corner, and remove that wheel. The front part of the fender liner is held in place by a variety of fasteners so you'll need a Phillips screwdriver, 10mm Gearwrench/socket wrench, T30 socket/wrench, and 5mm Hex socket/wrench- don't forget the two screws on the bottom.
I made a new bracket for the horns out of flat aluminum bar stock, although you could also drill a hole in the OE horn bracket and re-use that. There was an existing hole and great location for the horn compressor to mount. Since these horns were from a prior car, I went ahead and replaced the tubing. I did replace the 10A fuse with a 20A fuse, the 10A fuse didn't blow right away but after a few uses.

Another option if you are looking for plug-and-play upgrade, can also be found at FIAMM 7201622 OEM Dual Horn Assembly.


I had been thinking about Quadrifoglio emblems for a while but could not swallow the price tag for the OE Giulia/Stelvio parts that really would not fit the 4C fender contours 100%.
EuroCompulsion carries the Novitec emblems in both Alutex (White CF) and Carbon Fiber. Decisions, decisions.....I ordered one of each to see how they look and decide which one to use.
The Quadrifoglio explained, Petrolicious article HERE.

And then there is also the Scuderia Biscione Shield available from forum member Rlbarca/Studio Scuzimi
The Scuderia Biscione history/meaning can be found HERE.


Attended our first Mitty race at Road Atlanta, the featured marque this year was Alfa Romeo.
Official Race Schedule (final revision) HERE.


When I purchased the 4C it was evident that someone had tried to use the horn by pressing on the center slightly denting the airbag emblem....not noticed by anyone but my OCD self. The only way to correct was to buy a new airbag or source a new emblem. I found the emblem I wanted but unfortunately it only came as part of a set from Madness AutoWorks, so I just bit the bullet and ordered the set.....maybe I'll use the other pieces at some point in the future, but for now just the steering wheel emblem- carbon fiber with yellow Alfa Romeo logo.
E6000 High Viscosity Adhesive was what I chose to use since it has worked well in the past. I used blue painters masking tape to make a grid around the OE emblem, using the lines of the Milan cross to mark the masking tape and make sure the horizontal and vertical were straight. Cleaned both surfaces with brake cleaner and put a small dab of E6000 in the new emblem, placing it over the old emblem and getting it centered/straight- held in place for a few minutes and then left to set, periodically checking (E6000 can run if too much is used, viscosity is low, temps are high, etc.- this would make a mess in the seats and floor mats so it might be a good idea to place some paper under the steering wheel just in case....). E6000 takes 24 hours to cure and 72 hours for max strength.
New emblem looks great, OCD issue solved!

Also, I did look up a few pics of deployed airbags to make sure the function would not be affected: HERE, HERE, and appears the airbag center stays attached to the steering wheel.


Replaced all non-LED bulbs with LED. Started off with name-brand Sylvania ZEVO bulbs- THEY DO NOT WORK!
Next tried AUXITO from Amazon after reading the good reviews, so far so good and BRIGHT.
Docron's 4C Forum thread was helpful.

Interior Dome Light: AUXITO Extremely Bright CANBUS Error Free 6-SMD 3030 Chipset 41mm 42mm 212-2 578 Festoon Xenon White LED Bulbs Replacement for Map Dome License Plate Lights Lamps (Pack of 4)

Tag and Trunk Lights: AUXITO 194 LED Light Bulb 6000K White Super Bright 168 2825 W5W T10 Wedge 24-SMD 3014 Chipsets LED Replacement Bulbs Error Free for Car Dome Map Door Courtesy License Plate Lights (Pack of 10)

Reverse Lights: AUXITO 912 921 LED Backup Light Bulbs High Power 2835 15-SMD Chipsets Extremely Bright Error Free T15 906 W16W for Back Up Lights/Reverse Lights, 6000K White (Upgraded,Pack of 2)
Unfortunately, not error free for Alfa. I'll just ignore the "Check Reverse Lights" message at startup.


With the COVID19 outbreak and subsequent shelter-at-home orders, AROC decided to do a Saturday Zoom Room for Alfa Romeo Owner's Club members (Thanks David Hammond, President AROC Detroit Chapter, for organizing!).
This first meeting I attended was where Ralph Gilles (FCA Head of Global Design) spoke about his Alfa GTVR and some other Alfas he owns/has owned. I met Ralph briefly at the Viper Plant closing in Detroit, really nice car guy that gets it. AROC YouTube video HERE.
The second meeting was Bruce Kopitz showing his Stage 3 4C upgrade path/modifications and explaining why they were chosen. AROC YouTube video HERE.


CHECK Your TCT Selector Hydraulic Oil Level: 4C Forum: TCT Selector Hydraulic Oil Level Check
The twin clutch tranmission in our 4C has a hydraulic gear selector that has its own fluid reservoir, located on driver side under the intake hose. You really need Alfa OBD to depressurize the circuit but may be able to get an idea by letting the car sit a while after opening the door to release the engine cover- that noise you hear when opening the door is the TCT selector hydraulic system pressurizing, this will lower the amount of fluid in the reservoir. As it depressurizes the fluid is returned to the reservoir.
If you use a flashlight from above and behind you can establish where the fluid level is. Important to shake the car a little to see where the top of the fluid is, the reservoir can be stained inside and the level might appear higher than it actually is as a result.
The 4C Cloud has an early version of the workshop manual process HERE (specifies TUTELA CS SPEED Contractual Technical Reference No.F005.F98 oil), my 2017 workshop manual process HERE is slightly different (specifies MOPAR P/N 68092638AB oil). A few suppliers meet the CS SPEED CTRN F005.F98 spec such as Petronas and Ravenol which can be sourced at Amazon.
Pics below illustrate process/location and levels at varying time frames from right after door was opened to hours can see the level changes and how the level can be misleading due to internal staining of the reservoir.


2020 Polar Bear Run with the Alfa Romeo Owners Club and the GA Triumph Association (and others). There was a bit of ice and gravel out as we got into the North GA mountains, temps started out in the high teens/low twenties. Lots of different cars, Jack in the Fiat club posted a video of the rest stop enroute HERE.
We completed the run with lunch at The Black Sheep in Blue Ridge and then headed to Grumpy Old Men Brewing before heading home.


August 2021 drive with the Alfa Romeo Owners Club. Started at Carroll's BBQ in Blue Ridge, GA, then on to McCaysville, then to Mercier Orchard, and back to Pasta Market in Blue Ridge. Great food, great Alfas, great people, great time!
And now I think we have to have a Giulia Quadrifoglio (with Sparco seats)


Attended the October 2021 Chattanooga Motorcar Festival with the Alfa Romeo Owners Club (Atlanta Chapter)
Based on the show load-in maps for Fri/Sat it seems the Alfa Romeo Club has one of the larger clubs.

Preview of the festival from Corky Coker is HERE, video ad for 2021 has 1st festival highlights HERE. We met Corky Coker and Wayne Carini the first day we were there.


Time to do the belt service, QuickJacks worked well for this since I did NOT remove any bodywork, all was done through wheel well, from under the car, or from the top- no issues. I can see where removing the body work would improve access, just not enough ROI for me.
I also did NOT loosen the cam pulley bolts, water pump can be removed and installed just fine as can the timing belt.
I will say I found differences between the pictures/instructions and tool sizes required when using both the AlfaWorkShop guide AND the factory manual but small things easily figured out. If you do not have a Ribe bit set, you might need one as a lot of the "Torx" bolts are really Ribe. Northern Tool was the only local place I found that carries a set which I purchased earlier for some other 4C project. This is a good website that shows the difference between Torx, Torx Plus, and Ribe.
Like others have found, the passenger side motor mount was done, but I caught it before it leaked. I ordered new mounts from Alfa Work Shop, the driver (gearbox P/N 50526604) and passenger (engine P/N 51888093) upper side mounts, but only replaced the engine mount for now.

All of the forum and vendor resources I used are listed HERE


Rainy AROC OF ATLANTA 50th Anniversary Party but still lots of fun. Big THANKS to Jim Ellis Alfa Romeo Atlanta for hosting, Rick Andreoli for producing the commemorative artwork and items, all of the club organizers, and of course the founders of the AROC Atlanta chapter back in 1972

Installed Hatch Lift Kit from 4C Forum user thatarchitect at PetrolFab. Forum post HERE, Installation and Operation video HERE.
Arrived well packed and installation took 10-15 minutes, MUCH improved over prop rod


As a preventative measure, proactive replacement of the bleeder screws- OE Plastic to Aluminum from alfa_bits eBay store HERE, buying BOTH the Stelvio and Giulia kits (until/if there is a 4C kit) includes both (1)M6 and (2)M8 bleeder screws with extra EPDM o-ring seals.
GMS was first to market AFAIK, followed by others.
There is a 4C thread HERE.

Alloy coolant tank group buy organized by 4C Forum user Rst11 from Chris at ProAlloy UK. Forum post HERE

Why upgrade? Thread HERE.







Oil Analysis performed by Blackstone Laboratories, DIY Services recorded on Carfax and My WWW Garage

Engine Oil Change at 717 miles- Pennzoil Platinum Euro 5w40, no sample taken

Engine Oil Change at 4,990 miles- Pennzoil Platinum Euro 5w40, no sample taken

Engine Oil Change at 9,999 miles- Pennzoil Platinum Euro 5w40, no sample taken

Engine Oil Change at 11,345 miles- Valvoline MST 5w40, no sample taken

Engine Oil Change at 11,847 miles- Valvoline MST 5w40, no sample taken

Engine Oil Change at 14,216 miles- Valvoline MST 5w40, no sample taken

Engine Oil Analysis at xxxxx miles- Valvoline MST 5w40  


4C Documents:  

2017 Alfa Romeo 4C Brochure (2015 v1, 2015 v2, 2015 v3, 2016 v1, 2016 v2, 2018, 2019)

2017 Alfa Romeo 4C Brochure

2017 Alfa Romeo 4C User Guide

2017 Alfa Romeo 4C Owners Manual

2017 Alfa Romeo 4C Coupe Fact Sheet

2017 Alfa Romeo 4C Coupe Specifications

2017 Alfa Romeo 4C Coupe Feature Availability

2017 Alfa Romeo 4C Warranty Information

2014 Alfa Romeo 4C Collection Accessories Catalog

4C Forum CQRob's Alfa Romeo 4C Outline Drawing (Forum Post)

Alfa Romeo 4C Ground Clearance Chart

Alfa Romeo 4C Wheel Codes

Alfa Romeo 4C- The Techno Design Book (Print Version ZIP Courtesy of Gary Jean)

Alfa Academy Dealer Sales Book 1, 2

2018 Alfa Romeo 4C Price List and Specifications (Italian)

2018 Alfa Romeo 4C Buyers Guide (AU)

2018 Alfa Romeo Presentation by Tim Kuniskis

Alfa Romeo- Passione

Mopar Repair Connection: 2015 Up Alfa Romeo 4C Collision Information

Mopar Tech Authority: 2017 Alfa Romeo 4C Owner/User/Service Manuals

Alfa Romeo 4C Technical Service Bulletins (TSB)

PROJECT ALFA ROMEO 4C BY ZENDER (Archived Web Page, Brochure, and Photo Gallery)  


4C Reviews and Articles:

Graphic News: Alfa Romeo's State of the Art Sports Car with Prepreg Carbon Fiber Technology

Car Sales Base- 4C Sales to Date

autoblog- Geneva 2011: Alfa Romeo 4C Concept shows us what matte(rs)

MoiBibiki- Alfa Romeo 4C Introduction

Alfa Romeo- A Story That Made History

FCA Press Release Alfa 4C

FCA Press Release- All-new 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Crafted in Modena by Maserati

FCA Press Release- Alfa Romeo Announces 4C Spider 33 Stradale Tributo 2020 (Video HERE)

Alfa Romeo 4C Unica

Stellantis Heritage presenta l esclusiva 4C - Collezione GT Nicola Larini (Video HERE)

Automotive News Europe- Alfa Romeo 4C is a 'masterpiece,' says Fiat product boss

Jalopnik- Alfa Gives Us The Official Line On What's Up With Their Snake Logo

Jalopnik- Is That Really A Snake Eating A Guy On The Alfa Logo?

Jalopnik- Dead: Alfa Romeo 4C Coupe

Jalopnik- Everything Charmingly Wrong With The Alfa Romeo 4C

Jalopnik- The 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Is Worth The Weight

Jalopnik- The Alfa Romeo 4C Shames Every Other Sports Car On The Market

Jalopnik- What It's Like To Drive Across Manhattan In An Alfa 4C

Jalopnik- This Wing Has An Alfa Romeo 4C Attached To It

Jalponik- Possible Alfa Romeo 4C Quadrifoglio Prototype Spotted in Heritage Garage

Jalopnik- Alfa Romeo 4C: The Ultimate Buyer's Guide

Petrolicious- Is the 4C Worthy of the Alfa Romeo Badge?

AutoWeek- The Alfa Romeo 4C coupe is dead; long live the Spider

AutoWeek- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C review notes




MotorTrend- These Are the Final Alfa Romeo 4Cs to Be Sold New in America, Spider 33 Stradale Tributo

Winding Road- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Track Package (VIDEO)

Automobile- Alfa Romeo 4C: 2015 AUTOMOBILE All-Star

Automobile- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C The Craziest Road Trip Imaginable: Part One (VIDEO)

Automobile- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C The Craziest Road Trip Imaginable: Part Two

Automobile- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C A Detour to Santa Cruz

Automobile- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider To Coachella and Back

Automobile- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider Better Than the Lotus Elise?

Automobile- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider Lapping Laguna

Automobile- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider The Agony and Ecstasy

Automobile- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider Out in the Sun in Our Itsy Bitsy Spider

Automobile- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Coupe and Alfa Romeo 4C Spider Four Seasons Wrap-Up

Automobile- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Four Seasons Introduction

Automobile- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Four Seasons Wrap-Up

Automobile- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C What s the 4C Like When it s Doing the Mundane?

Automobile- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C What s the 4C Like When it s Doing the Mundane? (VIDEO)

Automobile- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C What s the 4C Like When it s Doing the Mundane?

Automobile- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Review

Automobile- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider Review

Automobile- 2014 Alfa Romeo 4C First Drive

Automobile- By Design: Alfa Romeo 4C

CARandDRIVER- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Coupe

CARandDRIVER- I Don't Care What Anyone Says, I Love The Alfa Romeo 4C

CARandDRIVER- Advocacy for the Alfa Romeo 4C from the Man behind the Kazoo Craze

CARandDRIVER- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Coupe

CARandDRIVER- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C vs. 2014 Porsche Cayman (1,2,3,4)

CARandDRIVER- The Final 4C: 2020 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider 33 Stradale Tributo

Road&Track- The Alfa Romeo 4C loses nothing in the transition to US trim

Road&Track- The Ten Things You Learn After a Weekend in the Alfa Romeo 4C Spider

Road&Track- First Drive: 2014 Alfa Romeo 4C

Road&Track- First Drive: 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider

Road&Track- Everything You've Ever Needed to Know About the Alfa Romeo 4C

Road&Track- Alfa's 4C Is Getting a One-Off Anniversary Special

autoblog- Alfa Romeo 4C coupe will be gone for 2019, but the Spider lives on

autoblog- The 2016 Alfa Romeo 4C should sound even better

AutoGuide- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Vs 2005 Acura NSX Our view: 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider Alfa Romeo 4C Spider: Pro on the Track, Pain on the Street

Mashable- Alfa Romeo's 4C Spider is a brutal sports car only a lunatic could love

AutoGuide- 2016 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider Review: Curbed with Craig Cole

CARBUZZ- 2017 Alfa Romeo 4C Review

(ars)technica- Alfa Romeo s 4C Spider is the junior supercar Ferrari hasn t built Alfa 4C US and Euro Chassis Differences

dailymail UK- Alfa Romeo 4C

autocar UK- Alfa Romeo 4C review

THE VERGE- Alfa Romeo 4C Spider: driving the most impractical car I ve ever loved

SLASH/GEAR- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Review

SLASH/GEAR- 2016 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider Review : Italy's bad-attitude baby supercar

The Globe and Mail- Review: 2016 Alfa Romeo 4C coupe is the essence of a sports car


GT Spirit- Review: 2017 Alfa Romeo 4C Coupe

GT Spirit- 2016 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider Review


Life is Poppin'- Alfa Romeo 4C Spider : That One Time I Was a Cool Husband & Dad

GirlsDriveFastToo - 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Coupe Goes Head-To-Head With The Lotus Elise

Forbes- 2016 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider Test Drive And Review: Affordable Exotic

The Telegraph- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider driven


The Herald Bulletin- Auto Review: Despite quirks, Alfa Romeo tugs at heartstrings

TopGear- Alfa Romeo 4C sets Ring record

TorqueNews- 4C Goes to Nurburgring

Torque News - 2017 Fiat 124 Spider vs. Alfa Romeo 4C Spider On-Track - Which Is Better?

PistonHeads- AlfaWorks GT4C: Driven

Top Gear- Review: the 277bhp AlfaWorks GT4C

FerrariChat- Alfa Romeo 4c who has one?

Rennlist- 991 C2S vs Alfa Romeo 4C question....

Euro Compulsion Tech- ALFA ROMEO 4C ENGINE PART 1: The Variable Valve Timing System

Euro Compulsion Tech- ALFA ROMEO 4C ENGINE PART 2: The Bottom End

Euro Compulsion Tech- ALFA ROMEO 4C ENGINE PART 3: The Turbocharging System


Exotic Street Cred on a Budget Want a Ferrari 488 GTB? Get an Alfa Romeo 4C instead

AutoEvolution- Jeremy Clarkson Reveals the Top 10 Best Cars He Has Driven This Past Year


Road Rug Cars- Alfa Romeo 4C, faster than English little bombs?

Opposite Lock- Alfa Romeo 4C First Driving Impressions

wheels24- Alfa Romeo 4C: New polish, old tradition

iNews- Japanese makers top huge car reliability survey but Alfa Romeo make top 5 over Honda

Alfa Romeo World- It was nice knowing you, Alfa Romeo 4C Coupe

MotorAuthority- Here's the Alfa Romeo 4C Quadrifoglio that never was

Forbes- Another Alfa Romeo Comeback Story May Be Ending


US News- The 13 Best Lightweight Sports Cars of 2020

MAR 2021 AutoItalia Magazine- Stealth" 2.0L 4C built by AlfaWorks

SpeedHunters- La Veloce Vita In An Alfa Romeo 4C

BAT Auction MatteoLeuzzi's 4C Comments

Robb Report- Here s a Look at the Last Alfa Romeo 4C Spider Model for North America

HOTCARS - 10 Sports Cars We'd Take On The Track Over The New Corvette C8 Any Day

Hagerty- Will these 6 used cars be bonafide collectibles? Abarth Will Build Five Units of the Alfa-Romeo-4C-Based Abarth 1000 SP

CarScoops- Abarth Classiche 1000 SP Heading To Production Based On Alfa Romeo 4C

AutoItalia- Firing On All 4C (Buyers Guide)

MotoriOnline- Alfa Romeo 4C: Imparato dice no al suo ritorno (4C Will Not Return-Use Google Translate)

CARSCOOPS- Alfa Romeo Debuts 4C Unica One-Off Special As A Fitting Farewell (Forum thread HERE) The Alfa Romeo 4C Is A Bargain Baby Exotic

Autopian- Alfa s Two-Seat Sports Car Can t Handle The Weight Of Two Average Americans

Robb Report- Why the Alfa Romeo 4C Is a Misunderstood Masterpiece  


4C Video: *High Speed Connection Recommended*  

Alfa Romeo | 4C Record lap at N rburgring


Love Story | 4C Coupe | Alfa Romeo USA

Pure Driving Desire | Alfa Romeo 4C | Alfa Romeo USA

Alfa Romeo Returns | 2014 Los Angeles Auto Show | Alfa Romeo USA

The 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C at Art Basel 2014 | Alfa Romeo USA

Alfa Romeo Passion and the 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C | 2014 Los Angeles Auto Show | Alfa Romeo USA

Revel in Speed | I Am | Alfa Romeo USA

Alfa Romeo Celebrates 105 Years | Alfa Romeo USA

The 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C at Monterey Car Week 2014 | Alfa Romeo USA

The Performance & Design of the 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C | Monterey Car Week | Alfa Romeo USA

Alfa Romeo at Monterey Car Week 2016 I Alfa Romeo USA

Alfa Romeo at the 2015 Concours d Elegance | Amelia Island | Alfa Romeo USA

2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider Reveal | 2015 North American International Auto Show | Alfa Romeo USA

Introducing the 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider | Alfa Romeo USA

The 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider at the 2015 North American International Auto Show | Alfa Romeo USA

Alfa Romeo | Alfa Romeo 4C Candid Camera

Alfa Romeo | Happy Holidays 2021


FCA Heritage | Alfa Romeo 4C Designer's Cut


Fascination | Alfa Romeo UK

Guadagni- Video presentazione Alfa Romeo 4C

Alfa Romeo Museum- 2021 Backstage \ 2011, the 4C concept (EN)

Jorge Comas Escribano - Alfa Romeo 4C Visita a la zona no expuesta del museo en Arese

Smithsonian Channel- Only 18 Alfa Romeo 4Cs Are Created Per Day. Here's Why.


Remote Keyless Entry | 2017 4C | Alfa Romeo USA (2020 Version)

Key Fob Battery Replacement | 2020 4C | Alfa Romeo USA

Features & Functions | 2017 4C | Alfa Romeo USA

Six-Speed Transmission | 2017 4C | Alfa Romeo USA (2020 version)

DNA Handling Modes | 2017 4C | Alfa Romeo USA

Instrument Cluster Display | 2017 4C | Alfa Romeo USA (2020 Version)

Climate Control | 2017 4C | Alfa Romeo USA

Parking Sensors | 2017 4C | Alfa Romeo USA

Multifunction Lever | 2017 4C | Alfa Romeo USA

Power Mirrors | 2017 4C | Alfa Romeo USA

Windshield Wiper & Washer System | 2017 4C | Alfa Romeo USA

Wiper Blade Removal and Installation | How To | 2020 4C | Alfa Romeo USA

Washer Fluid Refill | 2017 4C |Alfa Romeo USA

Automatic Oil Change Alert | 2017 4C | Alfa Romeo USA (2020 Version)

Deck Lid Release Lever| 2017 4C |Alfa Romeo USA

Power Outlet | 2017 4C | Alfa Romeo USA

Tire Pressure Monitoring System | 2017 4C | Alfa Romeo USA

Tire Service Kit | 2017 4C | Alfa Romeo USA (2020 Version)


Alfa Romeo 4C NAIAS Introduction

How It's Made: Dream Cars - Alfa Romeo 4C (Might require VPN to other country for USA to view)

Construction Of The Beautiful Alfa Romeo | Supercar Superbuild

Discovery Channel UK: Alfa Romeo 4C Assembly

savagegeese- Review | Alfa Romeo 4C Spider | Perfectly Imperfect

MotorTrend- Picking the 2014 Best Driver's Car!

2015 Alfa Romeo 4C: The Most Affordable Supercar! - Ignition Ep 113

2016 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider vs. 2017 Audi TTS - Head 2 Head Ep. 77

Alfa Romeo 4C First Drive, Road and Track. -- /CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS - Alfa 4C v Porsche Cayman S

Doug DeMuro- Can You Daily Drive an Alfa Romeo 4C?

Top Gear | Series 21 | BBC - Quadski Vs Alfa Romeo 4C

AutoCar - Alfa Romeo 4C first drive review

Alfa Romeo 4C [REMAPPED] Video | Car Review

2015 Alfa Romeo 4C | Road & Track

Vicki Reviews The Alfa Romeo 4C - Fifth Gear

ShiftingLanes- Alfa Romeo 4C: 5 Things We Love

Alfa Romeo 4C Spider - Fast Blast Review - Everyday Driver

4C, Cayman, & Elise on California's best roads - Affordable Exotics - Everyday Driver TV Episode

4C, Cayman, & Elise on California's best roads - Mid Engines and Mountains - Everyday Driver Episode Extended Cut

KBB- 2016 Alfa Romeo 4C - Review and Road Test

Racing Cowboys- Alfa Romeo 4C flat out on The Worlds Fastest Car Show with Justin Bell

Richard Truesdell on the Alfa 4C - Davide Cironi Drive Experience

Stef ABtv- Should You Buy The FCA Alfa Romeo 4c Spider? Alfa Romeo 4c review

Throttle House- Alfa Romeo 4C vs Tuned Lotus Exige// Track Review // One Track Mind Ep 3.

Throttle House- Alfa Romeo 4C // Tuned // A Review with T.H.

/THE DRIVE- Alfa Romeo 4C: Is the future bright?

/THE DRIVE- Alfa Romeo 4C: The Alfa Romeo 4C Coupe is Dead in North America

/THE DRIVE- Alfa Romeo 4C Spider Lives On in the US Despite Cancellation Rumors

TheSmokingTire- Alfa Romeo 4C: One Take

TheSmokingTire- Tuned Alfa Romeo 4C - One Take

Number27- Alfa Romeo 4C Road Test In the Alps - As good as an Exige?

DriveTribe- Alfa Romeo 4C Spider | The Windmills of Your Mind

EuropeanCarMag- $450k Ferrari Dino vs. Alfa Romeo 4C Comparison

2018 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider Review | Track Test | Edmunds

Car Throttle- I'm In Love With Alfa, And It's Because Of The Feisty 4C

Engineering Explained- 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Review - Impractical, Strenuous, Superb

Auto Express-Alfa Romeo 4C vs Porsche Cayman on track

JayEmm on Cars- An Overpriced Elise? The Alfa Romeo 4C, Driven At Last

JayEmm on Cars- Supercar Looks, A Carbon Tub, & Hatchback Running Costs: Why Did Nobody Buy The Alfa Romeo 4C?

AutoScout24 Espa a - Comparativa Alpine A110 vs Alfa Romeo 4C

JayEmm on Cars- 340BHP Alfaworks Modified Alfa Romeo 4C: Is It Worth Upgrading?


The Alfa Nut: Love Letter to the Alfa 4C - Part 1

The Alfa Nut: Love Letter to the Alfa 4C - Part 2


Miss Emma Walsh - The Alfa 4C! Should This Be My Next Daily??

Toni Avery - 2015 Alfa Romeo 4C Coupe vs. the Lotus Elise Review

RecombuCars- Alfa Romeo 4C review: You'd sell your kidneys for it

Fourwheel Trader- Alfa Romeo 4C | Bargain of the century? | Depreciation analysis and Buying Guide (EU)

Fourwheel Trader- Alfa Romeo 4C | $20,000 loss | In Depth Depreciation analysis and Buying Guide (USA)

Fourwheel Trader- Why the Alfa Romeo 4C is also the SMARTEST sports car to buy | Depreciation and Buying Guide

Historical Alfa Romeo Test Driver on the 4C Spider - Davide Cironi Drive Experience (SUBS)

alVolante: Alfa Romeo 4C - Five years after the debut, with Maurizio Pistocchini

HillClimb Monsters: 10.000Rpm Alfa Romeo 4C V8 Zytek || VS || 550+Hp Alfa Romeo 4C Turbo




Kaz Kang- Un Italiano in California - Alfa Romeo 4C

4C Club Schweiz - A video about our passion, the Alfa Romeo 4C

8C steals the car show with dance demonstration

Donut Media | ALFA ROMEO - Everything You Need to Know | Up to Speed

King Rose Archives | Great Cars: ALFA ROMEO

Tim's Enthusiast Garage Season 3 Episode 3 | Alfa Romeo 4C coupe; the most collectible up and comer

ThatDudeinBlue: The Alfa Romeo 4C is the Sketchiest Modern Car Sold Today


Jay Leno's Garage- 2020 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider 33 Tributo

Today I Work On - Is the Alfa Romeo 4C comfortable enough to take to a wedding? Let's see!


Game of Life 411 - Lotus Elise vs Alfa Romeo 4C, Test Drives of mini supercars

Behind The Wheel: Alfa Romeo 4C - A $60,000 Baby Supercar You Should Actually Buy


Misha Charoudin: SCARY MODIFIED ALFA-ROMEO 4C! // N rburgring

AzizDrives: Alfa Romeo 4C what an incredible car! I couldn't believe it was that good

Driven+: The Most Italian Car I ve Ever Driven! Alfa Romeo 4C Review

Fourwheel Trader - Car depreciation analysis- The Fastest And Slowest Depreciating Mid-Engine Sports And Supercars

GMS - Alfa Romeo 4C (tuned) vs. Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio (stock)  


Alfa Romeo 4C - Professional HiFi install part I & II

Alfa Romeo 4C - Instala o HiFi profissional parte III

Cambridge Car Audio - We Upgraded Alfa Romeo 4C With a 10,000+ Sound System - International Project  


4C DIY Guides/Installation Instructions:  

4C eLearn Manual (.zip)

Alfa Romeo 4C Collision Information MY2015-2019, Service Manual Section 31 (PDF)

7zap 4C Parts Catalogue

auto-kat 4C Parts Catalogue

ePER Alfa Parts Catalogue

Alfa Workshop- Alfa 4C Maintenance

Quick Reference Maintenance Schedule

BillsWebSpace: POWERFLEX Lower Engine Mount Bushing Insert (P/N PF1-1020)

BillsWebSpace: V1 and Homelink Mirror Installation and Wiring

BillsWebSpace: Alpine Halo 9 (iLX-F309) Installation and Wiring

BillsWebSpace: Odyssey PC1200 Battery Installation

BillsWebSpace: LED Bulbs

BillsWebSpace: Fiamm Air Horn Installation

BillsWebSpace: EC V2 Air Intake Installation

4C Forum: Docron's DIY Trunk Removal

4C Forum: Docron's DIY Center Console Disassembly

4C Forum: Docron's DIY Pillar Removal

Epicenter Garage- Alfa Romeo 4C SEAT ADJUSTMENT

4C Forum: Docron's 4C Seat Bolts Size/Thread/Pitch Measurement

4C Forum: Docron's DIY Coilpack removal

Book Autowerks: Alfaworks 4C Suspension Blocks Install and Test

4C Forum: Friscorays's Backup Camera Installation

4C Forum: crimbo's Backup Camera Suggestion: Fiat Punto Tag Light Replacement with Camera

4C Forum: King_Shayawn's 4C Subwoofer Installation

4C Forum: Dark Wheel Paint Touchup (harder to find option but exact match, Alfa Romeo 319B Grigio Anthracite, available HERE)

Removing Hood (Bonnet)

Removing Hood VIDEO

Mikey Turbo- Alfa 4C Hood Removal

4C Forum sthein's How to use the two extra toggle switches

4C Forum DanK's MTA/ Gear Selector PCB Repair

4C Forum Henkjan's FM radio signal strength- Problem solved

4C Headlight Adjustment

4C Forum JHG - HOW TO: Audio Upgrade (Amp, Speakers, Tweeters, Wiring, Adapters)

4C Forum JHG - Speaker Adapters (Custom 3D Printed)

Why does the 4C Carbon Fiber Chassis Require Bolt Tightening? Several great answers in this forum thread

Bolt Tightening Service: 4C Service Fastener Checklist, Mechanical Components Fastening Check, Vehicle Fastening Check
Forum posts with tips HERE and HERE (Tekton Crowfoot Conversion Calculator HERE) and HERE (Torque + Angle)
Some 17mm tools I used for bolt tightening per second forum thread above (THANKS flyt100 ) :

4C Forum's CCCC: 68340442AA Windshield weather Strip Cowl Screen To Hood replacement

4C Cloud

4C Jack/Stand Points

4C Lift Points (4C Lift Points PICS)

Book Autowerks: Alfa Romeo 4C on Four Jack Stands | How To

Book Autowerks: Alfa 4C Oil Change Without Removing Diffuser

Alfa_Tech: Alfa Romeo 4C oil change

Alignment Spec Conversion Chart

Front Wheel Geometry

Rear Wheel Geometry

Gale Motor Sports Uniball Alignment Specs

Gale Motor Sports (GMS) - How to bleed Alfa Romeo 4C brakes

Pogea Sport Air Filter Change- Replacing OE Air Filter with Performance Filter

Key Fob Disassembly: Video 1 / Video 2

4C Forum: RickT's Steering Wheel Angle Adjustment (for tall people)

4C Forum: Who has done a downpipe?

4C Forum: Is the stock downpipe and factory exhaust diameter a performance bottleneck?

4C Forum: Removing Driver Side Carbon Fiber Scoop - WARNINGS

4C Forum: Gr3yf8x's Steering Rack Replacement

4C Forum: smc4C's DIY Oil Catch Can Installation for Spiders
4C Forum: thatarchitect's DIY Oil Catch Can Installation for Coupes
(GMS Oil Catch Can Thread, EE video Do Oil Catch Cans Actually Work?)

Alfa Workshop - Replacing The Cam Belt And Water Pump On The Alfa 4C Coupe: Part 1 / Part 2 (Viewable pages with LARGE pics HERE, Printable PDF HERE)
Factory Service Guide for procedures and torque specs
4C Timing Belt and Auxiliary Belt Diagram
4C Forum: cswelch's Timing Belt Service DIY Guide
4C Forum: Bpeterse's Timing Belt Service DIY Guide (body part removal pics) (hornetball's summary of torque specs HERE)
4C Forum: Timing Belt and Water Pump Replacement Parts (and Tools)
4C Forum: Anyone Changed the Cambelt Themselves - moehler's picture of tensioner needle/moving with long screwdriver
4C Forum: Timing Belt Tension/Pointer Setting
4C Forum: moehler's picture of engine support plate adjustable inserts
4C Forum: nate37's Timing Belt DIY Issue
Check the passenger side motor mount while doing the timing belt service, P/N 68122809AA- fluid filled rubber, it does not appear to have a long life (forum thread HERE)
(FWIW, the coolant lost with water pump replacement will need to be replaced: Forum discussion HERE, Mopar coolant from Amazon: Concentrate and Premixed
Don't forget Blue Loctite Threadlocker for the waterpump bolts, otherwise you may have leaks )
Book Autowerks: Alfa Romeo 4C OEM vs Aftermarket Timing Belt Kit
Jorge Comas Escribano's Timing Belt Service DIY Video Series (in order, Spanish language but you can use Google translate for closed captions):

Timing Belt Service DIY Guides from Alfa_Tech: Part 1 and Part 2

4C Forum: jmoss's DIY Mount Upgrade - Engine / Transmission / Lower (Video HERE)

4C Forum: AidanTC's Template for 4C Italian flags on side panel

4C Forum: kennebraun's 4C Clutch Replacement DIY Guide (PDF)

4C Forum: rikiduc's Searching and Finding the Root Causes of the TCT Gearbox Errors (PDF)

LUK: TCT (Twin Clutch Transmission) Service

Alfa Romeo 4C Transaxle Service

4C Forum: TCT Selector Hydraulic Oil Level Check (my pics)

Alfa Romeo 4C- Replace TCT robotic hydraulic system oil

4C Gearbox Oil Change

Motoren & Mehr- Alfa TCT: Twin Clutch Transmission Animation

Alfa Workshop- The Alfa Romeo TCT gearbox operation  


Forums and Clubs:








Other 4C Sites/Vendors:




























Alfa Romeo- P A S S I O N E The inspirations and influences of Alfa Romeo design (Archived HERE)  



Alfa Romeo USA Announces 110th Anniversary Heritage Content Package (archived HERE)

Alfa Romeo 110th Anniversary eBook (archived HERE)

110 Years of Alfa Romeo (archived HERE)

Classic and Sports Car UK (July 2020): 110 Years of Alfa Romeo, A - Z (Stradale centerfold HERE)

Alfa Romeo - 110th Anniversary of Alfa Romeo, live from the Arese Museum

Alfa Romeo - 110 Years of Emotion

Alfa Romeo USA - 110th Anniversary | Alfa Romeo

Alfa Romeo USA - Introduction | 110 Years Tour | Alfa Romeo

Alfa Romeo USA - Timeline | 110 Years Tour | Alfa Romeo

Alfa Romeo USA - Bellezza | 110 Years Tour | Alfa Romeo

Alfa Romeo USA - Velocit | 110 Years Tour | Alfa Romeo

Alfa Romeo USA - Archivio | 110 Years Tour | Alfa Romeo

Alfa Romeo USA - Collezione | 110 Years Tour | Alfa Romeo

Alfa Romeo USA - Emozionale | 110 Years Tour | Alfa Romeo

Alfa Romeo USA - Celebrating 110 Years of Emotion

Alfa Romeo USA - Through the Years: 1910-1939, 110th Anniversary

Shmee150 - THESE are the RAREST Alfa Romeos in the World! $15m 33 Stradale

Track Attack Canada - 110 Years of Alfa Romeo | GTV, Spyder, GTV6, 4C, Giulia Quadrifoglio | TRACK ATTACK | Episode 2  



SpeedHunters- A Glimpse Inside Museo Storico Alfa Romeo  






